Breakfast just got better.

The Yoga Kitchen is crushing hard on Health-Connections new breakfast porridge and cereal range.

There is the delightful Chocolate Chia Oats. Its is simple and quick to prepare, but also delicious and perfect for winter when a warm breakfast is what we yearn for. The ingredients list is pretty perfect, with only 3 ingredients listed; Oats, Cacoa Nibs & Chia Seeds, all of the highest quality and crammed full of real nutrients. There is no sugar, and no preservatives or additives of any kind, this is clean eating of the highest order.

Then for those who are high on Low Carb food options, the Flax & Coconut Porridge is a match made in heaven. Its high in Omega 3 and fibre, two food stuffs that we can all do with more often. I really like the flavour and texture, it’s nutty and although it is a porridge it still has enough texture. To prepare one simply has to add either hot water, or milk/ or any milk substitute that you prefer. I also added the Flax & Coconut porridge to a banana & peanut butter smoothie with a pinch of cinnamon and some almond milk and it worked really well.

But my very best out of these three (difficult as it was) is the Sprouted Buckwheat Cereal, buckwheat has become one of my favourite things this year, it is high in protein and has a delicious flavour. This cereal works really well with a dash of almond or coconut/ rice milk and has sliced almonds and goji berries added into the mix. It has lots of crunch and keeps you going until lunch.

Now I guess there is no excuse not to have a super healthy start to the day.

In dedication to your best health,

Marlien x



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