These little Crustless Spinach & Egg Quiches are delicious and very simple to make, they can literally serve as supper with a side salad, breakfast or a great protein rich lunchbox addition.
- 3/4 cup of wilted baby spinach (melt a little butter or macadamia oil to a pan and add a whole pack of baby spinach, then allow the spinach to ‘wilt’ entirely over medium heat – you will end up with about 3/4 of a cup of wilted spinach.
- 1/2 cup of grated strong cheddar (I like using grass-fed brand’s such as Kerrigold).
- 1/2 cup of full fat live yoghurt
- 5 organic eggs
- salt & black pepper to taste
Simple whisk the eggs & yoghurt together and season with salt & pepper, then fold in the spinach & cheddar and pour your mixture into a greased muffin tin – next transfer to an 180 degree celsius pre-heated oven and allow them to bake for 15-20 minutes.
Once you gave taken them out of the oven – give them a couple of minutes to cool before carefully taking them out with a desert spoon.
Happy cooking good looking,
Marlien x