Did you know that buying from frozen means you are getting a far superior product?
If you get most of your produce from a supermarket, you may be short-changing you’re nutrition when you skip the freezer cases. Frozen produce can be equal, or superior, in terms of nutrient value, quality, shelf-life and cost. Fresh-picked vegetables and fruits straight from the farm or your own garden are of the highest quality, but when you’re shopping at the supermarket — choose a mix of fresh and frozen to maximize your nutrition intake.
In a nutshell, many produce for the fresh market are picked before they are perfectly ripe, and as a result have not reached its optimal nutritional value yet.
I am discovering some lovely products in the frozen section, one of which is SOGA organic citrus. Their range of products include Orange Juice, Grapefruit Juice, Orange Juice lollies as well as lemon juices that come in handy sachets for single use. This means no wastage and all their products are just ‘squeezed and freezed”, as well as being from certified organic origin.
As winter approaches Soga juices are a wonderful way of adding bioavailable Vitamin C to your diet. You can find a SOGA freezer in your local SPAR and in most other supermarkets too, if not approach the manager and ask them to start stocking it. #YUMYUM